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Divvy Contracts

A SaaS platform redefining contract lifecycle management by leveraging advanced artificial intelligence techniques to

Facilitate dynamic contract negotiations

Identify corporate compliance and risk

Integrate contracting process into the entire customer/vendor relationship lifecycle


Contract negotiations are time consuming for the most expensive resources in organizations, taking time away from revenue generating activities and replacing them with risk management tasks. Some experts believe as much as 80% of time spent negotiating contracts is wasted and provides no value-add to the business. Divvy uniquely addresses the primary sources of inefficiency in this process.



Divvy is a modern, flexible platform utilizing advanced AI and visualization techniques to engage and enable responsible parties along the full continuum of contract negotiation, risk management, and operationalization. Risks are proactively and consistently managed and operational requirements are identified during contract negotiations.


  • Increase revenue

    • Move focus to revenue generating and customer satisfaction activities 

  • Lower costs

    • Better resource efficiency

    • Reduced manual effort

    • Increased automation

  • Reduced risk

    • Increased compliance with standards

    • Detection of missing terms

    • Identification of downstream activities required for contract compliance

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